Why Aren’t My Car Accident Injuries Improving?

Unfortunately, motor vehicle accidents are quite common. Car accidents often result in injuries that can be minor or major. The good news is that with the guidance of healthcare professionals, you can recover from your car accident injuries. But maybe weeks or months have passed and they have not gotten better. There are several reasons why your car accident injury is not improving as quickly as you may hope.

  1. Continuing exercises post rehab: your work doesn’t end when your physiotherapy and rehabilitation appointments are over. One reason you are not getting better is simple – you don’t train. Even after finishing your rehabilitation treatment program, it is important to continue doing your rehab exercises on your own.
  2. Not targeting the root cause: for success in long term recovery, targeting the not only the site of the car accident injuries but the root cause is essential. What appears to be an obvious cause of your injury can in fact be something completely different! For example, a recurring ankle sprain can be caused by weakness in the leg from a prior injury. Lower back pain can be due to issues above or below the site of pain. Poor posture can be a root cause for shoulder and neck pain. A physiotherapist is trained to assess and identify problem areas outside of the obvious, to help you recover faster and more efficiently.
  3. Don’t self-diagnose: Motor vehicle accidents often cause whiplash. Using the wrong treatment method can make the condition worse and even lengthen the recovery time. Instead of trying to treat the injury yourself, you should seek medical treatment by your physician or physiotherapist. After the acute stage of your injury your doctor or physiotherapist may refer you to an active rehabilitation program.  This will give you the tools to continue your rehabilitation program independently.
  4. Injury initially not diagnosed: on rare occasion, your injury may be recurring because it was not initially diagnosed. For example, missing a bone fracture during an analysis.
  5. Your nutrition: a well-balanced diet can speed up the healing process. On the other hand, an unhealthy diet can delay the healing process. Additionally, important vitamins and minerals, such as copper, iron, magnesium and zinc, can be missed if your diet consists mainly of processed foods. After an injury, the basal metabolic rate increases by 15-50%. If you are eating too little this can be problematic as your body is missing the extra calories it needs to heal faster.
  6. Attitude is everything: you may not believe it, but your mindset during recovery is a key factor to getting better faster. Accept the fact that you are injured and that it will take time to get back to your pre-injury self again. You must be willing to get better, it takes patience and commitment. Being open to exercises prescribed by your health care professionals will help the process go more smoothly. Stay committed to your rehab exercise routine and play an active role in your own recovery. Besides, it makes the process more enjoyable! Place a priority on eating well, getting enough sleep, and taking good care of yourself.

Recovering from car accident injuries can be challenging, daunting and at times frustrating. If your recovery is taking longer than expected, re-assess the approach you have taken in your recovery. It could be a simple change that can make a big difference.