My back and knees hurt with gym rehab. Is a pool a good option?

Active Rehab Vancouver

There are many approaches to active rehabilitation therapy, and each is valid within certain contexts.

If your goal is returning to a physically demanding job or to participation in a high-intensity sport, you will eventually need to move significant weight in a  gym setting. But this is only one face of active rehab.

If your goals are more modest, or if your injuries are so severe that only moderate exercise is currently possible, a low-intensity pool program at Karp Rehabilitation could be just what you need. In a pool, there is little impact on the joints or vertebrae. But that doesn’t mean pool programs can’t be very effective.

In addition to their renowned ability to provide low-impact mobility and cardiovascular training, pool programs can also include muscle-building strength workouts. This is so because water provides resistance in direct proportion to the energy exerted upon it. Special equipment, like water weights and floaters, can be utilized for an extra challenge.

Especially for sufferers of lower back pain or leg injuries,  a pool program is often the best way to restore strength, endurance, and joint mobility. Water exercise is also great for sport-specific rehabilitation. Many top-level athletes have returned to their pre-injury form well ahead of schedule due to the effectiveness of water-based rehab.

If you are eager to begin the journey back to your pre-injury physical condition, you should consider trying pool therapy.

It’s low impact and lots of fun! Call Us Today!

If you are just beginning a rehabilitation regimen remember that all programs can be tailored to your individual needs based on your age and fitness level. Always start with a program that is comfortable for you and slowly progress from there.

Karp Rehabilitation is an active rehabilitation program specializing with soft-tissue injury rehabilitation. For more information call 604.420.7800.