Cardio For Rehab

Cardiovascular exercise can reduce cholesterol, blood pressure, and body-fat, but it is easy to become overwhelmed by the many options available for a cardiovascular workout. Whatever you choose, there is a simple formula to ensure that you are utilizing your time the most effectively. Step One: Find Max Heart Rate Figure out your maximum heart rate by subtracting your age …

My back and knees hurt with gym rehab. Is a pool a good option?

There are many approaches to active rehabilitation therapy, and each is valid within certain contexts. If your goal is returning to a physically demanding job or to participation in a high-intensity sport, you will eventually need to move significant weight in a  gym setting. But this is only one face of active rehab. If your goals are more modest, or if …

Holiday Season Not So Easy On The Back

Seasonal tasks like installing lights, shoveling snow, preparing your tree, and even holiday shopping can leave you feeling sore and not very festive. So here are some holiday health tips to help keep your spirits bright. As with avoiding most back pain, a major part of the solution is to contract your core whenever your back is vulnerable to injury …

Motor Vehicle Accidents Happen…

B.C. roads are very busy. As a result, despite ICBC‘s attempts to increase safety, the roads remain the most dangerous places to be in the lower mainland. Common injuries from motor vehicle accidents (MVAs) include whiplash, compressed vertebrae, frozen shoulder, back and neck stiffness, and chronic soft tissue pain, as well as increased incidence of mental illnesses, such as anxiety and depression. …

Active Rehabilitation

Injured in an MVA or have other serious physical limitations? Active Rehab Can Help! During each one-hour session, a qualified kinesiologist motivates and guides you through an exercise program designed to increase your core stability, overall strength, endurance, and mobility. Specific exercises are chosen based on your injuries and the unique physical requirements of your lifestyle. There is also an educational …

Functional Training Rehab

Functional training is fast becoming a popular alternative – and a fun addition – to traditional methods of weight training and exercise. Although open to wide interpretation, functional training generally involves exercises that engage multiple joints and often mimicking a movement from a sport or daily life. Functional training is designed to improve your overall physical performance. Above all, it …

A shift a day, too?

Employment contributes to our health and well being in many ways—and not only by preventing the stress of being unable to pay the bills. For instance, psychologist Maria Jahoda is known for her “deprivation theory” that suggests the unemployed suffer from mental woe in the absence of several important functions of work. Some of these work functions include a structured …

Insurance Referral Form

Karp Rehabilitation specializes in providing active rehabilitation therapy for soft-tissue injuries, such as chronic neck, back, or shoulder pain. Our educational, one-on-one programs can help provide an effective and lasting recovery! Referrals can be submitted via fax or telephone, or by completing the form below.

Lawyer’s Referral Form

Karp Rehabilitation specializes in providing active rehabilitation therapy for soft-tissue injuries, such as chronic neck, back, or shoulder pain. Our educational, one-on-one programs can help provide an effective and lasting recovery! Referrals can be submitted via fax or telephone, or by completing the form below.

Physician’s Referral Form

Karp Rehabilitation specializes in providing active rehabilitation therapy for soft-tissue injuries, such as chronic neck, back, or shoulder pain. Our educational, one-on-one programs can help provide an effective and lasting recovery! Referrals can be submitted via fax or telephone, or by completing the form below.