Physical Rehabilitation Pediatric Occupational Therapy Karp Rehab Vancouver

Physical Rehabilitation with Pediatric OT

Pediatric occupational therapists work with children and families to help the child recover from injuries and/or to manage developmental or cognitive disabilities that may affect motor skills, emotions, or behavior. At Karp Rehabilitation, our occupational therapists are board certified in Physical Rehabilitation. If your child has experienced disabling diseases, congenital conditions, traumatic injury or any other problems that affect their …

Behaviour Control Emotion Control Karp Rehabilitation Vancouver

Behaviour and Emotion Control – Pediatric OT

The ability to control and adjust emotion and behaviour is part of self-regulation. Most people have tools to cope with demanding situations in ways that are socially acceptable. Self-regulation skills are important for children because they can help the child to cope with difficult or stressful situations, such as loss of a pet, death of a family member, etc. For …

Fine Motor Skills Gross Motor Skills Pediatric Occupational Therapy Karp Rehabilitation

Fine and Gross Motor Skills – Pediatric OT Services

Motor skills are actions that require collaboration between the brain, the nervous system, and the muscles. Gross motor skills consist of larger movements such as throwing and catching a ball, climbing stairs or hopping. Whereas, fine motor skills include smaller actions such as grasping objects. Strength, coordination and dexterity of hand muscles may not develop properly during infancy, leading to …

Pediatric Occupational Therapy Daily Tasks Karp Rehabilitation Vancouver

Activities of Daily Living – Learning Self-Care

Activities of daily living (ADL), which include self-care activities, are things that a child needs to do to take care of themselves. For example: getting out of bed, brushing their teeth, feeding, getting dressed, etc. A pediatric occupational therapist can perform an assessment and work with your child to improve strength, coordination and perception skills. For instance, if your child …

Chronic Neck Pain Karp Rehabilitation Vancouver

Decrease Your Neck Pain!

Do you suffer from chronic neck pain? If you do, you’re not alone. In fact, this type of pain is one of the most common we see here at Karp Rehabilitation. The reason is that neck pain affects so many aspects of daily life. From shoulder checking and grocery shopping to child care and house cleaning, there is no task …

Occupational Therapy and School Karp Rehabilitation Vancouver

Socializing at School – How an OT can Help

Since a child’s full-time occupation is school, it can be identified that this is where most of their socializing takes place. A great way to get your child more involved both on and off the playground is to work with an occupational therapist! Recognizing socializing at school as an important aspect of a child’s education is essential. Social participation can …

Home Safety Assessment Karp Rehabilitation Vancouver

Home Safety Assessments

At Karp Rehabilitation, our Occupational Therapists can provide home safety assessments and assist in implementing any services or support you may need to live safely and comfortably at home. Address personal, environmental and behavioural factors influencing people’s participation and engagement in their activities in home and in community. Source and provide recommendations for equipment in your home to enhance your …

Sensory Processing Disorder Karp Rehabilitation Vancouver

Sensory Processing Disorder and Occupational Therapy

Everyday tasks such as picking up a pen, using a spoon, or biting into a sandwich require the nervous system to receive messages from the senses and to turn these messages into appropriate motor or behavioural responses. This is called sensory processing, also known as sensory integration (SI). Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) occurs when information received through the senses cannot …

Childhood Development Karp Rehabilitation Vancouver

Childhood Development and Occupational Therapy

Developmental delays occur when there is a significant lag in emotional, mental or physical growth. If your child is experiencing developmental delays, a pediatric occupational therapist is specially trained to help with early treatment and progress to help your child succeed. There are several types of developmental delays that occur in young children, including children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). …