Karp Rehab Occupational Therapy Seniors Vancouver

Home Safety for Seniors

Did you know that falls are one of the leading causes of injury and hospitalization for Canadian seniors? In fact, according to the Public Health Agency of Canada, these falls account for up to 95% of all hip fractures and frequently act as a catalyst for permanent care. Plus, the fear of falling often prevents seniors from getting much-needed exercise. …

Pool Programs at Karp Rehab

Pool Programs

  Exercising in a pool is one of the best ways to restore muscle strength, endurance, and joint range of motion. In fact, swimming pools can act as sensory rooms providing treatment stations with unique treatment aims. Water provides added resistance without the stress or impact on joints and soft tissues. There are physical, psycho social, cognitive and recreational benefits …

Autism Disdorders Occupational Therapy Karp Rehabilitation Vancouver

Autism Spectrum Disorders and Occupational Therapy

Has your child been diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD)? If so, you may be asking yourself how they are likely to fare in school, with peers, or at a job. Plus, you will probably want to know how you can provide the best opportunities for success and happiness. Fortunately, there are a number of support systems now in …

Karp Rehab Occupational Therapy Vancouver

Tools of an Occupational Therapist

It is hard to know how an injury or disability will affect you. Will it interfere with your ability to care for your family? Or even with your ability to earn a living? How will you advocate for yourself if it leads to more difficulties? Fortunately, an occupational therapist can help you answer these questions. Occupational therapists are trained experts who work with …

Poor Posture? Fight Muscle Imbalance

Many experience neck, shoulder, or back soreness with daily activities, like bending to grab items off the floor. Often, this occurs without the person ever quite knowing the cause. Usually, it has to do with poor posture. Ultimately, the problem is muscular imbalance. A muscular imbalance occurs when one muscle or group of muscles is over developed compared to those …

Occupational Therapy Reports

Karp Rehabilitation Occupational Therapists provide diverse, professional medical reports for patients in Vancouver, B.C. and the Lower Mainland.  Karp Occupational Therapy Reports include:   OT Initial Assessment Cost of Future Care Ergonomic Assessment Job Demands Analysis Return To Work (RTW) Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE) Youth OT Assessment   Other resources: OT Referrals / OT Services / What is OT? / OT …

5 Ways An Occupational Therapist Might Fix Your Desk

An occupational therapist, often called an OT, specializes in maximizing abilities and reducing risk at work, often by paying attention to optimal workstation ergonomics. You may think office work is pretty safe, but poor posture, repeated reaching, and limited movement can cause serious chronic conditions, while well-designed work stations can facilitate productivity, minimize fatigue, and prevent common injuries. In some cases, …

Get to the Core of Your Back Pain

Do you suffer frequent or persistent back pain? If so, you’ve probably already been told the best way to address these symptoms is through a consistent, well-structured core strengthening program. Of course, what we understand is best and day-to-day reality are not always the same. Especially if you have a seated occupation or a generally sedentary lifestyle, achieving this structure …